Dachshund Rescues in Pennsylvania (PA) | Puppies for Adoption and Rehoming

Are you in Pennsylvania? Do you want to adopt and rehome a Dachshund rescue in Pennsylvania? 

This list of Dachshund shelters can help you with choosing the best Dachshund puppies for adoption.

We will be giving you a list of rescues or shelters to help you choose what to choose for the suitable Dachshund rescue in Pennsylvania. Let us get started, shall we?

Table of Contents

Dachshund Rescues Pennsylvania Listings Near Me

NamePostal CodePhone/EmailWebsite
DACHSHUND RESCUE OF BUCKS COUNTY & NJPA 19067(215) 736-3338https://doxierescue.com/
Pennsylvania Dachshund RescuePANo Phone Numberhttps://dachshund.rescueme.org/Pennsylvania
Street Tails Animal RescuePA 19123267-761-9434https://www.streettails.org
Animal Rescue Foundation of Southeastern Pennsylvania Inc.PA 19063+1 610-994-4300https://www.arfsepa.com
Pennsylvania SPCA Lancaster CenterPA 17603(717) 917-6979https://www.pspca.org/lancaster
Pennsylvania SPCA Central PA Center in DanvillePA 17821(570) 275-0340https://www.pspca.org/danville

Dachshund Puppies for Adoption and Rehoming in Pennsylvania


Address – 181 Gilbert Drive Morrisville, PA 19067

Phone – (215) 736-3338


Pennsylvania Dachshund Rescue

Address – NA

Phone – NA


Street Tails Animal Rescue

Address – Liberties Walk 1030 N 2nd Street, Suite 401 Philadelphia, PA 19123

Phone – 267-761-9434


Animal Rescue Foundation of Southeastern Pennsylvania Inc.

Address – 1167 W Baltimore Pike #222, Media, PA 19063, United States

Phone – +1 610-994-4300


Pennsylvania SPCA Lancaster Center

Address – 848 S. Prince Street Lancaster, PA 17603

Phone – (717) 917-6979


Pennsylvania SPCA Central PA Center in Danville

Address – 1467 Bloom Rd, Danville, PA 17821, United States

Phone – (570) 275-0340


How Much Does It Cost To Adopt A Dachshund In Pennsylvania?

It would usually take from $100 to $350 when you adopt a Dachshund rescue in Pennsylvania.

Choosing A Good Dachshund Rescue

If you want to own a dog and think of adopting one from Dachshund shelters, you are making the right choice. If you are on the verge of picking a Dachshund puppy in Dachshund shelters, you might be thinking about how to choose a good Dachshund rescue. 

If you have no answer to that and you need help, do not worry. We can help you with that. The first thing that you want to observe is the body language of the dog. 

When you first meet the dog, they should welcome you even if you are a stranger. If the dog is also playful with you even on the first encounter, that is a good rescue because you will need a joyful and playful dog. 

A dog that makes eye contact with you and meets you directly is also a good sign for a good rescue because it still has trust. There will also be a lot of licking and a lot of lying down so that your cat pets them. 

Overall, you have to look for the physical behavior of the dog. This is how you will know if a right Dachshund is a good rescue. 

How Do I Pick A Good Rescue Dachshund?

Some people cannot decide right away if they are picking a good rescue Dachshund in Dachshund shelters or not. But you can do something about it if you doubt. 

The first thing you should consider is the temperament of the rescue Dachshund. You also need to check the personality of the Dachshund. Rescue dogs have been through neglect and abuse; they are not always in the right shape. 

Before you adopt the Dachshund, you can also visit a few more times before picking the dog. You can always take them up for a walk and bond with them. 

That way, you will learn the temperament and personality of the Dachshund. You can observe their behaviors and whether they are outgoing and playful or traumatized and antisocial. 


You can choose a Dachshund by temperament. You would want a Dachshund that is warm and inviting. You should also consider not buying a shy Dachshund. 

Other States

Or you can check our overall page with a list of all covered Dachshund rescues.


Image credits – Canva

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I'm Emma Brown and I'm a dog enthusiast. I love dogs and everything about them. And seeing them in the shelter fills me with sadness, so I decided to start this website so that every dog can find an owner. Read more