Labradoodle Rescues in Colorado (CO) | Puppies for Adoption and Rehoming

Are you planning to adopt and rehome Labradoodle puppies? Do you have a hard time finding a good Labradoodle rescue in Colorado? Worry no more because we will find you the perfect Labradoodle rescue for you. 

Many people wanted to own a Labradoodle, but the question is where to find them. We got you covered. 

Adoption is the best way to own a Labradoodle, and adopting a Labradoodle from a Labradoodle shelter is the perfect thing to do. So, are you excited to adopt the perfect Labradoodle for you? 

We will list down below Labradoodle rescue in Colorado. With this list, you will not have trouble finding a reputable rescue for you. 

Let us get it on!

Table of Contents

Labradoodle Rescues Colorado Listings Near Me

NamePostal CodePhone/EmailWebsite
Colorado Puppy RescueCO 80247info@coloradopuppy.org
Dumb Friends LeagueCO 80231303.751.5772
2 Blondes All Breed RescueCOinfo@2babrescue.org
Foothills Animal ShelterCO 80401303.278.7575
Animal Rescue of the RockiesCO 80012970-389-8324
RezDawg Rescue: Colorado Animal RescueCO 80026+1 720-515-3679
MaxFund Animal Adoption CenterCO 80204303.595.4917

Labradoodle Puppies for Adoption and Rehoming in Colorado

Colorado Puppy Rescue

Address – 20021 E Iliff Avenue, Aurora, Colorado 80247

Email –


Dumb Friends League

Address – 2080 S Quebec St, Denver, CO 80231, United States

Phone – 303.751.5772


2 Blondes All Breed Rescue

Address – NA

Email –


Foothills Animal Shelter

Address – 580 McIntyre St, Golden, CO 80401, United States

Phone – 303.278.7575


Animal Rescue of the Rockies

Address – Animal Rescue of the Rockies Aurora, CO 80012

Phone – 970-389-8324


RezDawg Rescue: Colorado Animal Rescue

Address – PO Box 448, Lafayette, CO 80026

Phone – +1 720-515-3679


MaxFund Animal Adoption Center

Address – 1005 Galapago StreetDenver, Colorado 80204-3942

Phone – 303.595.4917


How Much Does It Cost To Adopt A Labradoodle In Colorado?

A Labradoodle breed has been prevalent. They have this teddy-bear-like feature that makes everybody want to get their hands on it. 

Adopting a Labradoodle is more enriching than buying. You can also save money if you choose to adopt and rehome a Labradoodle than buy one. 

If you decide to buy a Labradoodle from a breeder, you will spend around $1,500 to $2,000. However, if you choose to adopt one, it will only cost you around $100 to $500. This is just one reason why it is better to adopt a dog than to buy one. 

Choosing A Good Labradoodle Rescue

If you are planning to adopt a Labradoodle from Labradoodle rescue, there are some things that you might need to know in picking a good Labradoodle rescue. There are so many Labradoodle rescues globally, but not all of them are reputable and have quality. In finding good and quality rescue, here are some things that you can look for in a rescue.

The Rescue Takes Care Of Their Animals

This is the foundation of a good rescue. Of course, their main objective is to take care of the animals and make sure that they are healthy until they have been found in a new home. These criteria can be reflected through the status of their animals. You can look if the animals are well taken care of and if they are adequately groomed. 

The Rescue Attends And Conducts Adoption Events

Adoption events are about promoting the goodness of adopting a pet. If the organization is good, they will attend adoption events and even conduct their own. This is to allow awareness of the people.

The Rescue Knows Their Limits

A good organization knows what its limits are. If the rescue cannot allow any more animals in their facility, they will not do it. A good rescue cares for the animals and not for the money. 

The Rescue’s Staff And Volunteers Is Friendly

A good organization is based on the goodness of the employees and volunteers who make up the organization. You can check if the staff are friendly and are accommodating by talking to them. They will be happy to assist you and answer your questions. 

How Do I Pick A Good Rescue Labradoodle?

Some people felt overwhelmed entering a dog rescue because they all want to adopt each dog in the facility. This guide is what you should look for when picking a Labradoodle rescue for you and your family.

Pick A Healthy Labradoodle

This might not be easy, but a dog’s health is visible in its physical appearance most of the time. You can look for well-groomed dogs, good and healthy-looking hair, and a dog with so much energy.

Observe The Body Language

A dog’s behavior is a reflection of what they are. Pick a dog that is not aggressive. You want to pick a dog that is friendly and open with its possible new owner. 

Pick a friendly Labradoodle

A friendly Labradoodle is easy to take care of. A shy dog will cost you more time and attention because they will not respond to you. You will have to coax them to be comfortable with you. 


A Labradoodle rescue is everywhere. But if you will find a good and quality Labradoodle rescue, you might need help finding that. 

The list provided above will help you and guide you in adopting and rehome a Labradoodle. Adoption is not stress-free, and you will need all the help you can get. 

It is crucial to find out how to spot a good Labradoodle rescue and a good Labradoodle in starting an adoption process.

Other States

Or you can check our overall page with a list of all covered Labradoodle rescues.


Image credits – Canva

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I'm Emma Brown and I'm a dog enthusiast. I love dogs and everything about them. And seeing them in the shelter fills me with sadness, so I decided to start this website so that every dog can find an owner. Read more